Travel Bucket List

So here is my wish list of places to visit, separated by where I would like to visit one day and where I would like to visit very soon. Photo disclaimer: only some of these are mine.

Current:  I have my eyes on these for the very near future.

Aruba: This island has me all googly-eyed. Maybe I am on the quest to find the perfect island… but it’s proximity to my current location makes it a very do-able destination. White sand, flamingos and some big resorts to choose from can hopefully equal some relaxation for the whole family. 

UPDATE:  It was just as amazing as I’d hoped, you can read about it here.

Montana Dude-Ranch: In a previous life, I must have been a cowgirl. Besides loving most of city life, there is a big part of my heart that belongs in the country. I love animals, I love the smell of feed and grass hay. Most of all, I want to ride horses with my children in Big Sky Country.  All day long.

National Park Road Trip: I want to rent a Winnie and see the National Parks.  Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, etc. This is at the forefront of my mind right now, seeing that we have next summer available. So I’m researching routes and costs currently. I have always enjoyed road trips, and I see this being the ultimate adventure with my kids. I have never driven an RV, and I don’t really enjoy camping, so I need to find the affordable luxury version of this trip.  Here’s hoping.

Panama: I have become more interested in Panama the more I learn about all it has to offer. 

A little less popular than Costa Rica, but with all the same beauty.  It is an easy flight from Cartagena. I want to visit the canal, a wildlife refuge and the islands if I have enough time. I found a pretty cool resort that offers many of those activities without the worries of transportation. Check it out, here.

In Colombia: Our travel is somewhat restricted, but I would like to see the major cities in Colombia.

Medellin: Every Colombian I meet tells me if I can only visit one place, that Medellin is it. From what I understand, it is clean, cultured and relatively safe for family travel. This includes the infamous, Guatape.

UPDATE:  Medellin and Guatape did not disappoint. Literally, a breath of fresh air, this modern mountain city gave us glorious views from every location and just the perfect match between kid and adult activities.  You can read all about it here and here.

Bogota: This city sits high atop the Andes and will be the perfect getaway when we need some cooler weather. All the perks of a big city… great restaurants and shopping. Much more formal than our beach side vacation town, I am interested in seeing the difference.

Lifetime: Many of these will take some serious saving and planning but can’t wait to make these dreams a reality.

Africa: Take me on all the safari’s. I have longed for this trip for a very long time and I would very much like to move it from the “one day” category to the “current.” I don’t know how much longer it will exist in it’s current state. I would love to be able to take my children, not entirely sure how I can make this kid-friendly, so it obviously calls for more research.

England, Scotland, Ireland: I lived in Europe in college and beyond, but never quite made it that far north. I could see an extended road trip or summer stay here. Also, staying in some kind of castle is a must – need to live out all those princess dreams at least once.

Maldives:  For the photo ops alone, this makes the list.  Google search images…. its has the most amazing looking water I’ve ever seen. Also, huts over the water and restaurants under the water, I can’t even imagine.

If anyone out there has helpful input on any of these destinations, would love to hear it. Most, if not all, of these destinations will have to be family friendly for us. My kids are quickly becoming experts at traveling, I am working on a post about traveling with kids for the near future!

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