Seoul City Guide: Inspiring Immersive-K Art Exhibit at DDP

We took some time this weekend to experience the first immersive art exhibition at Dongdaemun Design Plaza hosted by Kansong Art Museum. The Immersive-K Art exhibition combines traditional media art with cutting-edge technology. The exhibition is titled, “When the Clouds Clear, the Moon Shines, the Wind Blows, and the Star’s Shine.”

Dongdaemun Design Plaza – DDP

This giant silver cloud shaped building has become an architectural must see building when visiting Seoul. Designed by famed female architect Zaha Hadid, known as the Queen of the curve, the exterior is covered in over 4,000 aluminum panels. It is nearly impossible to find a straight edge anywhere, even the staircases wind through the atrium style lobby. The DDP is an impressive building and cultural hub for many of Seoul’s creative events, such as large scale light shows and the upcoming Seoul Fashion Week.

Immersive-K Art Exhibit – Kansong Art Museum

We had just seen a short social media clip of the exhibit and I knew it would be worth a visit. It’s not always easy to get a teen, a pre-teen, and 2 parents (only 1 who likes art) to agree on a weekend outing, but this was an easy answer to something easy and fun to do in the City. A few subway stops up and we were there, easily able to find our destination and take our time meandering through some very alive art.

Admittedly, a lot of the art was new to all of us, but that didn’t matter. The interactive nature, strolling from room to room, not quite knowing what the next experience would be, made for a great exploratory experience. The variety of mediums was impressive, allowing you see the art from a different perspective. I wouldn’t necessarily recommend it for those who have motion sensitivities, as at times you felt like you are flying through different worlds. But who doesn’t love a tunnel of giant flowers, I felt like I was Alice in Wonderland.

You can buy tickets to the Immersive-K Art Exhibit here or get them at the door. It was 20,00 KRW per person, a very reasonable price considering the cost of some of the other immersive art experiences I had seen before. The exhibit runs through April 30, 2025. Don’t let the art exhibit be the end of your experience at the DDP, wonder around the beautiful grounds, listen to people playing the piano in one of the courtyards, shop the stores and find a cafe for the perfect drink. This is one of the many reasons living in the City is such an energizing experience for me, there is a never ending list of places to see and explore.

A stroll from room to room in the Immersive-K Art Exhibit – Seoul

Looking for other must-see actives in Seoul, check out our experience at Lotte World Tower, Korean Amusement Parks, or Korean Baseball games.

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