We just arrived back in Cartagena after a whirlwind tour of the West Coast, but it was everything we hoped for!  Friends, Family, Food and Fun!  We weren’t sure how the kids would respond to going home after only a few short months and then having to leave again, but it turns out that kids live pretty much in the moment and we were able to have a great time without too much emotional turmoil.

Flights turned out to be pretty good, teaching my kids to be great travelers is high up on my list.  I want to take them lots of cool places, so we need to master getting there.   We even experimented with the red-eye on the way home and I might even do it again if necessary!

Some wonderful neighbors hosted a super fun cookie party and let us all crash and have lots of time catching up! And we may have thrown in a ladies night to top it all off!  We had to pit stop and see Santa, luckily both kids made the Nice list, before we headed to the beach to relax!

I wanted to make sure my kids got to have some of the same traditions from home, and I think we were successful! Santa showed up and made sure there was no shortage of Christmas magic.

But we aren’t done yet, we packed up and headed south to California to finish off our home tour!  More family, some puppies and lots of goodies to keep the magic rolling.   We are lucky people.

It was everything I hoped it would be, complete with some cold weather and lots of warm fuzzies all around!

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