Medellin, Day 1: From Endless Summer to Eternal Spring

A quick one hour flight from Cartagena and we landed in the beautiful city of Medellin. I gladly welcomed the cooler temps and mountainous terrain. It was gorgeous to see all the finca’s on our way in and just drive with the windows down. Proof that I am still a Pacific North West girl at heart, give me all the cloudy days!

We went straight out to Guatape, this amazing natural rock that jets straight into the sky out of nowhere.

It’s nothing compared to seeing it up close. They say it’s 650 steps, but really there are about 25 more, so here goes nothing!

The reward is well worth the climb. Some of the most beautiful countryside I have ever seen. The water and the small islands, it almost doesn’t look real.

After some water and some sugar, we made our way back down. Which after the climb up, legs were a bit wobbly.

I’m so glad we scheduled this into our trip, well worth the windy but beautiful drive outside Medellin. Sometimes a change of scenery is just what you need.

Next up: the rest of our time in the city.

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