Dismantling the Carefully Curated Life

It isn’t easy to put together a beautiful life. It’s organically formed friendships, finding just the right hairdresser, knowing which coffee shop has the fastest drive thru, waiting 3 seasons for your peony to bloom and knowing your babies have a village just outside their front door.

For as long as I can remember, I have used all my energy to create a comfortable, fulfilling, responsible and enjoyable life. I am about to give most of it up. I am leaving the perfect suburb and moderate weather for the adventure of a lifetime. Life abroad with my little family.  Pray for me.

As I sell my belongings and make promises to keep in touch, of course I wonder if I am doing the right thing. I am hoping that many of the people I love will take this journey with me, here or in person. They are the reason that my life is beautiful.

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