Castillo San Felipe

One of the destinations we have been waiting to visit is Castillo San Felipe de Barajas, the extra-large Fortress that looms over Cartagena on the Hill of San Lazaro.  

With a nearing Sunset and the perfect breeze, we took a cab over to check it out. To be honest, I didn’t read much about it before we went and I wished I had. We had lots of questions along the way.

Now considered a World Heritage site, the Fortress is well maintained and easy to navigate. We made a new feline friend and checked out all the nooks and crannies. There was plenty of secret spaces to explore, old canons to check out, and a maze of tunnels to get lost in.

And when you have your Auntie and Uncle in town it makes the day that much better.

I know I can’t say it enough but everywhere I turn is another gorgeous view. With a Colombian flag sitting high at the top, this felt particularly fitting to end our fun week with friends!

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