Where Will They Be From?

One of my many worries with this move is where will my children say they are from? That sounds insane, I totally know, but let me first elaborate.

I grew up in one house from first grade on. The kids I met in kindergarten were the same kids I graduated high school with. Good, bad or indifferent, I know where I’m from. I have roots. Now, I couldn’t get out of there fast enough for college, but I always knew I could come home. I knew the places, the sounds, the customs, and the people.

Did that kind of foundation give me the confidence to travel and explore this big world? Will my children know anything like that same kind of stability?  What will they say when people ask them where they are from?  

Are we slowly becoming citizens of the world? I know the pros far out weigh the costs, but I can’t help but wonder if they will feel like they don’t have roots.

When we do come back to the states when this is all over, we are not guaranteed to come “home”, so how can we even call it home? It’s just another new place.

Perhaps, your roots don’t have to be in one location, but they can be with the people, the memories and the traditions we keep alive. Ah hell, they always have grandparents who aren’t going anywhere, maybe we will start calling that home?

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