Food: Part Dos

We have been here long enough to come across some new foods that we can’t live without.

Coco Rice – it’s everywhere and when it’s good, it’s really good! There are 2 options, Blanco y Negro, both are amazing.

Tropical Fruit – this is my husband’s category, and he may never be the same. Pitahiya, Mango’s, Maracuya, Guanabana, and many more that I have trouble pronouncing.

Good Coffee – maybe this one is for me, but before I even knew what happened, I became a coffee snob. They are light on frills, no S’mores Frappe here, but you learn to refine the palate and just appreciate the flavor of good espresso. I still can’t drink it straight, but a good latte is close to heaven. Brynn agrees, she takes swigs of my drinks all day long.

Lemonade – always fresh squeezed and you can add spearmint or coconut. May never be able to drink it any other way. Good Fruit juice is also in this category.

Food with Ambiance – Let’s just say even the food court at the mall has a good view and nice tables. I mean these center courtyards with trickeling fountains and trailing Bougainvillea. The rooftop pool decks with views of Old Town.  

The chandeliers and glowing candlelight because you may have a power outage at any moment. Food and meals are a social priority and they know how to create a mood and a feeling like you are welcome to stay as long as you’d like.  

At first it can feel drawn out, especially if you are starving, but now we know and try to appreciate the down time. It’s easier for some than others.

Am I right? It never gets old.

Ice Cream Treats – Last but not least, a very special category. They love sweet treats of the cold kind and we love them too.

Having a few new favorites in the weekly menu helps us feel like we are becoming locals. There is still plenty more to explore.

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