Big News…

We found out this week, we are headed home come the holidays. We were never sure if it would be an option at the end of this experience. So when the opportunity came, we knew it was meant to be.

It is hard to imagine all of this being over. I have never had a time in my life fly by so quickly or shape our family so significantly. When I look back to this girl, just starting down the road on this journey, I am so proud and grateful for the courage I had.

It has been scary at moments, challenging in many others, but also, so so good. We have grown, we have pushed ourselves beyond our limits and we have made some really wonderful memories. More importantly, we took a chance on something outside the box.

I am not a risk taker by nature, but I am always so glad when I do.  If I could recommend this experience of living outside your comfort zone for a at least a short time, I would say take it. Make the best of whatever it is.

This isn’t the time for goodbye, there is a lot to be done between now and then. Hopefully, I can figure out how to put this next transition into words.

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