4 months in feels good.   It feels comfortable and still fresh.  We still have plenty to learn and plenty on our bucket list but we are enjoying just exploring life slowly.  We are making plans with visitors, working on new friendships and getting into the Colombian groove of life.  Feeling settled is a wonderful thing after what feels like such a long journey to get here.  Waiting to sell the house, waiting to move, waiting for paperwork, waiting for our apartment, waiting for our stuff… and finally, no more waiting.  We have hung our pictures on the wall, the car is in the garage, all the faces are familiar ones and we can relax.   I don’t need to go on and on about it so I will leave you with a few “life” pictures of what we have been up to lately.

And for no other reason that I find them to be so funny, I am adding the signage we saw while cruising the Zoo in Barranquilla last weekend that I forgot to include:  They don’t beat around the bush!

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