We have officially been here 2 months and some days it feels like we have been here a year and then again, we are just barely getting settled.

This month was about finding home, or a feeling of home.  Getting into our apartment, setting up familiar items and creating a new normal.  Day 1 in our new pad and Brynn slips on the tile floors and back to Medi-Help we go for a set of chin stitches.   I hope that is a lesson learned and we are done with stitches for a long time!

We also celebrated our first holiday abroad, Halloween.  Good thing Colombians appreciate holidays because there is no shortage of celebratory activities.  Logan went on a field trip with his class to a local arcade in costume, below is a picture of his teacher and all her kiddos.  Trick or Treating is a little different here, they close down a local street and everyone sings a song to the doormen for candy.

And of course the next day while her brother was at school, a little someone had to try on his costume.

Aside from all that, we have made time for testing out our new pool and eating plenty of ice cream on hot days.  Daily life is slower and there is lots of time to spend together.

And Logan came across this guy in the park one day, it is still surprising to see wildlife in the City, but it made his day for sure.

I feel like 2 months in and we have crossed some hurdles.  We are essentially settled and now able to explore Cartagena like locals.  The living is good, our neighborhood is feeling more familiar by the day as we see the same faces at the grocery store as we do in restaurants and at school.   It’s small town living in the city.

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